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51 Types of Poetry

Posted by EnglishisFun | 8:59 AM

51 Types of Poetry

A poem that has five lines that create a mood, picture, or feeling. Lines 1 through 4 are made up of words, phrases or clauses while the first word of each line is in alphabetical order. Line 5 is one sentence long and begins with any letter.


Poetry that certain letters, usually the first in each line form a word or message when read in a sequence.


A poem that tells a story similar to a folk tail or legend which often has a repeated refrain.


Poetry which has three stanzas of seven, eight or ten lines and a shorter final stanza of four or five. All stanzas end with the same one line refrain.

Blank verse
A poem written in unrhymed iambic pentameter and is often unobtrusive. The iambic pentameter form often resembles the rhythms of speech.


A poem written about one self's life, personality traits, and ambitions.


Poetry that treats a serious subject as humor.


Medieval Italian lyric style poetry with five or six stanzas and a shorter ending stanza.

Carpe diem

Latin expression that means 'seize the day.' Carpe diem poems have a theme of living for today.


Poetry with five lines. Line 1 has one word (the title). Line 2 has two words that describe the title. Line 3 has three words that tell the action. Line 4 has four words that express the feeling, and line 5 has one word which recalls the title.


Poetry which holds the principles and ideals of beauty that are characteristic of Greek and Roman art, architecture, and literature.


A couplet has rhyming stanzas made up of two lines.

Dramatic monologue

A type of poem which is spoken to a listener. The speaker addresses a specific topic while the listener unwittingly reveals details about him/herself.


A sad and thoughtful poem about the death of an individual.


An extensive, serious poem that tells the story about a heroic figure.


A very short, ironic and witty poem usually written as a brief couplet or quatrain. The term is derived from the Greek epigramma meaning inscription.


A commemorative inscription on a tomb or mortuary monument written to praise the deceased.
Epithalamium (Epithalamion)
A poem written in honor of the bride and groom.
Free verse (vers libre)
Poetry written in either rhyme or unrhymed lines that have no set fixed metrical pattern.
A short lyrical poem that arose in Urdu. It is between 5 and 15 couplets long. Each couplet contains its own poetic thought but is linked in rhyme that is established in the first couplet and continued in the second line of each pair. The lines of each couplet are equal in length. Themes are usually connected to love and romance. The closing signature often includes the poet's name or allusion to it.
A Japanese poem composed of three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five morae, usually containing a season word.
Horatian ode
Short lyric poem written in two or four-line stanzas, each with its the same metrical pattern, often addressed to a friend and deal with friendship, love and the practice of poetry. It is named after its creator, Horace.
Iambic pentameter
One short syllabel followed by one long one five sets in a row. Example: la-LAH la-LAH la-LAH la-LAH la-LAH
Idyll (Idyl)
Poetry that either depicts a peaceful, idealized country scene or a long poem telling a story about heroes of a bye gone age.
Irregular (Pseudo-Pindaric or Cowleyan) ode
Neither the three part form of the pindaric ode nor the two or four-line stanza of the Horatian ode. It is characterized by irregularity of verse and structure and lack of coorespondence between the parts.
Italian sonnet
A sonnet consisting of an octave with the rhyme pattern abbaabba followed by six lines with a rhyme pattern of cdecde or cdcdcd.
A long narrative poem, especially one that was sung by medieval minstrels.
A short sometimes vulgar, humorous poem consisting of five anapestic lines. Lines 1, 2, and 5 have seven to ten syllables, rhyme and have the same verbal rhythm. The 3rd and 4th lines have five to seven syllables, rhyme and have the same rhythm.
A poem that is made up of a list of items or events. It can be any length and rhymed or unrhymed.
A poem that expresses the thoughts and feelings of the poet.
Memoriam stanza
A quatrain in iambic tetrameter with a rhyme scheme of abba -- named after the pattern used by Lord Tennyson.
Poetry that tells about the word. It uses the letters of the word for the first letter of each line.
A poem that tells a story.
A lengthy lyric poem typically of a serious or meditative nature and having an elevated style and formal stanza structure.
A poem that depicts rural life in a peaceful, romanticized way.
A 14-line sonnet consisting of an octave rhyming abbaabba followed by a sestet of cddcee or cdecde
Pindaric ode
A ceremonious poem consisting of a strophe (two or more lines repeated as a unit) followed by a an antistrophe with the same metrical pattern and concluding with a summary line (an epode) in a different meter. Named after Pindar, a Greek professional lyrist of the 5th century B.C.
A stanza or poem consisting of four lines. Lines 2 and 4 must rhyme while having a similar number of syllables.
A rhyming poem has the repetition of the same or similar sounds of two or more words, often at the end of the line.
Rhyme royal
A type of poetry consisting of stanzas having seven lines in iambic pentameter.
A poem about nature and love while having emphasis on the personal experience.
A lyrical poem of French origin having 10 or 13 lines with two rhymes and with the opening phrase repeated twice as the refrain.
A short Japanese style poem, similar to haiku in structure that treats human beings rather than nature: Often in a humorous or satiric way.
A poem consisting of six six-line stanzas and a three-line envoy. The end words of the first stanza are repeated in varied order as end words in the other stanzas and also recur in the envoy.
A 14-line sonnet consisting of three quatrains of abab cdcd efef followed by a couplet, gg. Shakespearean sonnets generally use iambic pentameter.
Poetry written in the shape or form of an object.
A lyric poem that consists of 14 lines which usually have one or more conventional rhyme schemes.
A Japanese poem of five lines, the first and third composed of five syllables and the other seven.
Terza Rima
A type of poetry consisting of 10 or 11 syllable lines arranged in three-line tercets.
A single metrical line of poetry.
A 19-line poem consisting of five tercets and a final quatrain on two rhymes. The first and third lines of the first tercet repeat alternately as a refrain closing the succeeding stanzas and joined as the final couplet of the quatrain.

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Crazy people talk

Posted by EnglishisFun | 6:41 PM

Crazy people talk
A doctor of psychology was doing his normal morning rounds when he entered a patient's room. He found Patient #1 sitting on the floor, pretending to saw a piece of wood in half.

Patient #2 was hanging from the ceiling, by his feet.

The doctor asked patient number 1 what he was doing. The patient replied, "Can't you see I'm sawing this piece of wood in half?" The doctor inquired of Patient #1 what Patient #2 was doing. Patient #1 replied, "Oh. He's my friend, but he's a little crazy. He thinks he's a lightbulb." The doctor looks up and notices Patient #2's face is going all red.

The doctor asks Patient #1, "If he's your friend, you should get him down from there before he hurts himself"

Patient #1 replies, "What? And work in the dark?"

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Posted by EnglishisFun | 6:31 PM

Boss wants too much
For thirty years, Johnson had arrived at work at 9A.M. on the dot. He had never missed a day and was never late.

Consequently, when on one particular day 9 A.M. passed without Johnson's arrival, it caused a sensation. All work ceased, and the boss himself, looking at his watch and muttering, came out into the corridor.

Finally, precisely at ten, Johnson showed up, clothes dusty and torn, his face scratched and bruised, his glasses bent. He limped painfully to the time clock, punched in, and said, aware that all eyes were upon him, "I tripped and rolled down two flights of stairs in the subway. Nearly killed myself."

And the boss said, "And to roll down two flights of stairs took you a whole hour?"

Want a day off work?
So you want a day off. Let's take a look at what you are asking for. There are 365 days per year available for work. There are 52 weeks per year in which you already have 2 days off per week, leaving 261 days available for work. Since you spend 16 hours each day away fron work, you have used up 170 days, leaving only 91 days available. You spend 30 minutes each day on coffee break which counts for 23 days each year, leaving only 68 days available. With a 1 hour lunch each day, you used up another 46 days, leaving only 22 days available for work. You normally spend 2 days per year on sick leave. This leaves you only 20 days per year available for work. We are off 5 holidays per year, so your available working time is down to 15 days. We generously give 14 days vacation per year which leaves only 1 day available for work and I'll be darned if you are going to take that day off!

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PASSIVE VOICE ... lanjutan

Posted by EnglishisFun | 6:03 AM

B. Konsep Membentuk Kalimat Pasif
pada kalimat yang menggunakan to be, jika sudah memahami aturan penggunaan to be maka kita mampu dengan mudah membentuk kalimat pasif dari aktifnya.
Rumus :
S + V + O ……..(akrif)
S + to be + V3 + by … (pasif)

Keterangan :
Obyek pada kalimat aktif berubah menjadi pasif
Verb pasif diubah dalam bentuk : to be (is, am, are, was dan were) + verb3
Verb yang menggunakan modal pasifnya diubah dalam membentuk : Modal + be + V3
Contoh :
He wrote a letter. (aktif)
A letter was written by him. (pasif)

Tips :
- BIla ada kalimat pasif, selalu lihat dulu susunannya. Kalimat akan benar bila sudah            menggunakan is/am/are atau was/were atau has/have dan V3.
- Bila unsur – unsure itu sudah ada, maka lihat faktanya, terjadi pada saat ini atau lampau : was,were dan had menunjukkan waktu lampau.

C. Kalimat Pasif Khusus : Menggunakan Require, Need dan Want.
Rumus :
Require/Need/ Want + Verb-ing /to be V3 >>> berarti “perlu di …”

Disini hanya ingin ditunjukkan bahwa kalimat pasif, mungkin saja tidak menggunakan Verb3, jika menggunakan kata Require, Need atau Want. Yaitu menggunakan Gerund. Sedangkan bila menggunakan V3 harus diawali dengan kata “to be” (bukan dalam artian is/am/are, namun dalam artian kata to be).

Penggunaan to be ini juga berlaku pada kata “Keterangan tujuan pasif".
Contoh :
The progress of this class needs to be evaluated.
He has’nt got enough experience to be promoted principal of our scholl.

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Posted by EnglishisFun | 4:19 AM

Passive voice atau kalimat pasif meliki subyek yang dikenai suat pekerjaan tertentu. Karena itu, subyek pada kalimat pasif adalah obyek penderita pada kalimat aktifnya.

A. Pola kalimat aktif dan pasif
Struktur kalimat pasif adalah sebagai berikut :

Catatan :
• Was/were dan had pada table diatas menunjuk pada waktu lampau (past)
• Penggunaan di …, sedang di …, telah di … dll disesuaikan keterangan waktu yang ada.

to be continue

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Posted by EnglishisFun | 12:58 AM

Word order atau tata urut kata merupakan cara untuk menyusun kata – kata dalam urutan atau susunan yang tepat dan benar. Pembahasan dalam hal ini meliputi tata urut kata keterangan (adverb) dalam kalimat dan tata urut kata dalam Frase Benda (Noun Phrase).

A.Keterangan (Adverbs)
Prinsip penempatan kata keterangan dalam kalimat sebagai berikut :
1.Prinsip pertama :
Rumus :
Kata kerja Pertama + Frekuensi + kerja utama (kata kerja pertama tidak mesti ada)
*Frekuensi = always, sometimes, often, ever, seldom, etc
Contoh :
She never neglects her assignment.
He has often visited her sick uncle.
2. Prinsip Kedua ( Bila lengkap di belakang Frekuensi + kerja utama)
Rumus :
Derajat + Kaya yang dijelaskan (disingkat = DEKAJAL)
Derajat = too, very, only, rather, fairly, etc
Contoh :
The water is too cold to swim.

Nb. Untuk Only bisa dihubungkan dengan Verb juga dengan noun.

3.Prinsip ketiga ( bila lengkap diletakkan dibelakang DEKAJAL)
Rumus :
Manner + Place + Time
Manner = Adjective + ly *contoh : quickly, slowly . Tanpa –ly : hard, fast, late etc.*
Place = on the stage, in the room, under the table etc
Time = yesterday, tomorrow etc.
He sing a song beautifully on the stage everynight.

Nb. Khusus TIME boleh diawal dan akhir kalimat.
Contoh :
Everynight he sing a song beautifully on the stage.

B.Frase Benda (Noun phrase)
Prinsip mengurutkan frase benda adalah sebagai berikut :
Si Uk Um Ben W A Bah
Si = sifat : good, bad etc
Uk = Ukuran : long, short etc
Um = Umur
Ben = Bentuk : round, triangle
W = Warna
A = Asal
Bah = bahan : iron, gold etc
Contoh :
A good long old yellow Indonesia ceramics table.

Nb. Disamping frase diatas, ada juga frase dengan participle (verb + ing = aktif dan Verb3 = pasif)
Rumus :
Adverb of manner + verb-ing/verb3 + noun
Contoh :
They wrote for the quickly growing publisher.
He study in the slowly built school.

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Indiscriminate Sestina

Posted by EnglishisFun | 4:51 PM

Indiscriminate Sestina

Of all my favorite chocolate
desserts, I like the ones draped in caramel
with pieces of chopped pecans,
slathered in air filled marshmallow,
sprinkled with emerald coconut,
making a perfect Irish torte.

This is not a court tort, but a torte
made of the good dark chocolate
sometimes used in cookies, like coconut
macaroons, with dollops of caramel,
the edges filled in bits of pecans.

My favorite ice cream is praline…pecans
placed between layers of rich torte,
covered in ooey, gooey marshmallow,
drizzled with homemade caramel,
adding steaming hot milk chocolate
syrup, with fresh, shredded coconut.

I like cream pies of grated coconut,
but best of all, those made with sliced pecans,
a cardinal sin filling of caramel
on a butter and brown sugar crushed shell torte,
then, around the plate, stepping-stones of chocolate
dotted with daubs of melted marshmallow.

In a jar, a can, or bag…a marshmallow
leads me to make fancy coconut
S’mores, covered in Belgian chocolate,
lying on a bed of hand picked slivered pecans,
cradling a raspberry cream cheese torte,
topped with figure eights of warm caramel.

Should one eat the caramel,
then wallow in the marshmallow,
or perhaps fall into the raspberry torte
sprinkled with shaved coconut,
surrounded by deluxe pecans,
dipped in hot thick fudgie chocolate…

The caramel and the coconut will stick between one’s teeth.
The marshmallow with pecans could crack a crown in two.
The torte…covered in lucious Godiva chocolate…will finish you.

Zona Lawrence

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The Guide to Wife Translations

Posted by EnglishisFun | 5:21 PM

The guide to wife translations

The wife says: You want

The wife means: You want

The wife says: We need
The wife means: I want

The wife says: It's your decision
The wife means: The correct decision should be obvious

The wife says: Do what you want
The wife means: You'll pay for this later

The wife says: We need to talk
The wife means: I need to complain

The wife says: Sure... go ahead
The wife means: I don't want you to

The wife says: I'n not upset
The wife means: Of course I'm upset you moron

The wife says: You're ... so manly
The wife means: You need a shave and sweat a lot

The wife says: Be romantic, turn out the lights
The wife means: I have flabby thighs.

The wife says: This kitchen is so inconvenient
The wife means: I want a new house.

The wife says: I want new curtains.
The wife means: Also carpeting, furniture, and wallpaper!

The wife says: I need wedding shoes.
The wife means: The other forty pairs are the wrong shade of white.

The wife says: Hang the picture there
The wife means: No, I mean hang it there!

The wife says: I heard a noise
The wife means: I noticed you were almost asleep.

The wife says: Do you love me?
The wife means: I'm going to ask for something expensive.

The wife says: How much do you love me?
The wife means: I did something today you're not going to like.

The wife says: I'll be ready in a minute.
The wife means: Kick off your shoes and take an hour nap.

The wife says: Am I fat?
The wife means: Tell me I'm beautiful.

The wife says: You have to learn to communicate.
The wife means: Just agree with me.

The wife says: Are you listening to me?
The wife means: [Too late, your doomed.]

The wife says: Yes
The wife means: No

The wife says: No
The wife means: No

The wife says: Maybe
The wife means: No

The wife says: I'm sorry
The wife means: You'll be sorry

The wife says: Do you like this recipe?
The wife means: You better get used to it

The wife says: All we're going to buy is a soap dish
The wife means: I'm coming back with enough to fill this place.

The wife says: Was that the baby?
The wife means: Get out of bed and walk him

The wife says: I'm not yelling!
The wife means: Yes I am! I think this is important!

In answer to the question "What's wrong?"

The wife says: The same old thing.
The wife means: Nothing.

The wife says: Nothing.
The wife means: Everything.

The wife says: Nothing, really.
The wife means: It's just that you're an idiot.

The wife says: I don't want to talk about it.
The wife means: I'm still building up steam.

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INFINITIVE *Lanjutan ...*

Posted by EnglishisFun | 7:45 PM

2. Berlaku sebagai keterangan
a.Maksud / tujuan
Contoh :
My servant goes to the market to buy some fruits.

b. Kata sifat
Contoh :
The vice president is too busy to prepare the ceremony.

There are some cars to rent.

d. Berita / 4W + 1H ( where,when,which,what dan how)
He don’t know how to do.

B. Infinitive without to (bentuk Verb1)

1. Penggunaannya setelah kata kerja tertentu

Jika pada kalimat terdapat verb help, let dan make setelah subyek maka verb dibelakang Obyek-nya adalah bentuk Vereb1 atau infinitive tanpa to.
Rumus :
S + Help/Let/Make + O + V1
He lets the children study outside.
The clown made the baby cry.

2. Penggunannya setelah MODAL (kata bantu pengandaian :shall, will, can, may,must untuk yang present dan Should, would, could, might untuk yang past/lampau)
The boy can run very fast.
You must study very hard.

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Posted by EnglishisFun | 3:59 PM

Infinitive adalah kata kerja bentuk pertama (kata kerja asal). Dalam hal in terdiri dari to infinitive dan without (tanpa) to.

A. To invinitive (kata kerja bentuk asal dengan to)
Rumus :
To be + Verb3 (pasif)
Not to verb1 (negative)
To + verb1 (positif)

Bentuk-bentuk to infinitive tersebut dalam kaliamn berfungsi sebagai :
1. Sebagai (objek) kata kerja tertentu :
a. Jika didepan invinitive terdapat kata kerja (decide, encourage, plan, arrange, hope, ask, mean) maka digunakan” to” seperti rumus dibawah ini :
Kata kerja + to infinitive
Contoh :
He encourages to buy that house quickly.
We hace decided to sell the house.

b. Jika didepan infinitive terdapat kata kerja (beg, expect, promise, ask, want, order, need), maka digunakan “to “ seperti rumus dibawah ini :
Kata kerja + to infinitive atau kata kerja + pronoun + to infinitive
Contoh :
He beg me to join his club.
He want to come the party.

c. Jika didepan infinitive terdapat kata kerja (remind, advise, send, intend, persuade, urge,tell, invite) maka digunakan ‘to’ seperti rumus dibawah ini :
Kata kerja + O + to infinitive
Contoh :
His father reminds them to work hard.
He told the boys not to make damage.
She advise me to come early.

to be countinued ... :)

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Posted by EnglishisFun | 9:42 PM

Ini ada beberapa contoh lelucuan dalam bahasa inggris (jokes). Semoga dengan jokes dibawah ini kita bisa lebih mudah memahami beberapa kata-kata dan memperbanyak perbendaharaan kata.
Enjoy ...

New York is a funny
place.I was at the coffee shop last week, and I'm paying the cashier for my cup of coffee, and the other girl got sprayed by the espresso machine with the hot milk. And her shirt was burning her, and so she just ripped it off. But she forgot she has no bra on, and so she just ran in the back. And the cashier looks at me and goes, 'That'll be an extra two bucks.'

You give me a tree that can live off glass, cigarette butts and pebbles -- that's a real tree. No this 'I need sunshine' crap, no way. Our trees come up -- the branches are in the shape of middle fingers.

L.A. is a very confusing place, only place I know where you can have, simultaneously, a drought and a flood. Every time you watch the weatherman, he goes, 'Rained all day, didn't help the drought. Back to you, Tom.' I got news for you, folks. If water doesn't solve your drought, you're screwed.

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Concord *lanjutan ...*

Posted by EnglishisFun | 5:27 PM

Lanjutan dari topik concord ...

C. Tips Persesuaian pada Frase Koordinatif

Frase koordinatif adalah “Neither _______ nor ________” atau “Either ____ or _____”
Bila Noun dibelakang “Nor atau or” Jamak maka Verb Jamak, berlaku sebaliknya.

Contoh :
Either he or they sleep in the room.
Either they or he sleeps in the room.

D. Tips Persesuaian pada Frase Gerund
Rumus :
V + ing + (O)

Gerund / verb+ing (kata kerja yang dibendakan) selalu diasumsikan tunggal sehingga predikatnya juga tunggal.

Contoh :
Reading text for Harry Potter Books is easy.
Singing dangdut songs is Rhoma Irama’s activity.

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Posted by EnglishisFun | 5:09 AM


Concord/Agreement adalah persesuian subyek dalam kalimat dengan kata kerja (verb) yang dipergunakan. Baik subyeknya orang, kata ganti orang , kata benda ataupun kata ganti benda.

A.Pronoun (Kata Ganti)
Dalam bahasa Inggris perlu memperhatikan letak dan fungsi kata ganti dalam kalimat. Berikut ini bentuk – bentuk kata ganti :

Milik Milik
Subyek Obyek + Tanpa Reflektif
Benda Benda
I Me My Mine Myself
You You Your Yours Yourself/
He Him His His Himself
She Her Her Hers Herself
It It Its - Itself
We Us Our Ours Ourselves
They Them Their theirs Themselves

B.Tips Persesuain Frase Berpreposisi (kata depan)
Rumus : Noun + Preposisi + Noun + Verb
Preposisi = at, in, of, on, dll

Bila noun(subyek) didepan proposisi jamak maka verb jamak berlaku sebaliknya.
Contoh :
The contruction of the buildings is good. (Tunggal)
The contructions of the buildings are good. (Jamak)

Penggunaan of, dalam hal ini menggunakan “a number” atau “the number” (sebuah bentuk uncountable noun) mempunyai rumus seperti dibawah ini :
The number of + N + Verb Tunggal (Tunggal)
A number of + N + Verb Jamak ( Jamak)

Contoh :
The number of students does the test. (tunggal)
A number of students do the best. ( jamak)

NB. Hal ini berlaku juga buat uncountable noun lainnya, seperti each of etc.

to be continue ...

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Posted by EnglishisFun | 10:42 AM

Participle adalah kata penjelas yang terdiri dari participle aktif dan pasif. Participle aktif menggunakan Verb + ing (sebagaimana Gerund) yang memiliki beberapa fungsi. Sedangkan participle pasif berbentuk V3 yang juga memilik beberapa fungsi.

Fungsi Partiple :
1. Sebagai penjelas kata benda
Rumus :
a. Participle Aktif Penjelas Kata Benda
Rumus :
- Noun + V-ing
- V-ing + Noun
Contoh :
The person writing this book.
The sleeping girl has completed her homework.
b. Participle Pasif Penjelas Kata Benda\
Rumus :
- Noun + V3
- V3 + Noun
Contoh :
The book written by Rayza.
Written stories in this laptop are good.

2. Membentuk Kalimat majemuk dari dua bua kalimat yang memiliki subyek sama
a. Peristiwa yang terjadi pada titik waktu yang sama
Karena kejadiannya pada saat yang sama, maka jika membahas “maknanya” bisa menggunakan kata penghubung, seperti : When, While atau as
Contoh :
Sitting near the bridge, they saw the car accident.
Artinya = When they were sitting near the bridge, they saw the car accident = They sitting near the bridge, when they saw the car accident.

b. Peristiwa yang terjadi secara berturutan atau sebab-akibat
- Kejadian berturutan
Rumus : Having + V3 + S + …
Karena kejadian berturutan, maka jika membahas maknanya bisa dihubungkan dengan kata penghubung : After dan Before.
Having studied the lesson, he slept

- Sebab – akibat, ada dua kemungkinan yaitu aktif atau pasif
Rumus : - Aktif : Verb-ing + S + V + …
- Pasif : V3+ S + V + …
Studying, he pass exam.
Startied by the sudden noise, the baby woke up and cried.

Karena hubungan sebab – akibat, maka jika membahas maknynya bisa dihubungkan dengan kata penghubung : because/as/for/since

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Posted by EnglishisFun | 9:37 AM


Causative adalah kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyuruh orang lain untuk mengerjakan sesuatu. Bentuk suruhan ini ada dua macam, yaitu menggunakan bentuk “have(has/had) dan get (gets/got).

Tiga bentuk Causative menggunakan “Get” dan “Have”
1. Causative Menggunakan Get dengan obyek orang/manusia
Bentuk kalimat :
S + get(gets/got) + orang + to infinitive
Contoh :
Yesterday, he got the woman to wash the shirt.

2. Causative Menggunakan Have dengan Obyek orang/manusia
Bentuk kalimat :
S + have (has/had) + orang + Verb1
Contoh :
Yesterday, he had the woman wash the shirt.

3. Causative Menggunakan Get atau Have dengan Obyek Benda
Apabila have/get diikuti obyek pasif(benda), maka bentuk kalimat :
S + have /Get + benda + Verb3
Contoh :
I get my motorcycle repaired.

Catatan :
Bentuk Have dam get bisa berubah tenses menjadi had, will have, got dan sebagainya, tanpa mengubah verb(kata kerja) yang mengikutinya.
Hal yang pertama dilihat dari Causative adalah obyek yang mengikuti have/get. Jika obyek yang mengikuti adalah benda, maka bisa dipastikan Verb nya ada pada bentuk ketiga (V3). Sedangkan jika orang/manusia maka tergantung yang digunakan, jika Get pasti menggunakan to infinitive kalau Have menggunakan Verb1

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